Implant (Nexplanon): Basic Info

The implant (Nexplanon and its generic versions) is a small rod, about the size of a matchstick, that's inserted under the skin of your upper arm (after you get numbing medication!). Once it's inserted, it's not visible in most cases.
The implant slowly releases a single hormone, progestin, that prevents pregnancy primarily by thickening cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm and egg to meet. It's FDA-approved to prevent pregnancy for up to three years, but research shows it's effective for up to five years. You can always get it removed sooner if you want to.
Quick Facts
Super effective, lasts for years, low-maintenance, and private.
- Effectiveness
The implant is super effective—one of the most effective birth control methods.
Perfect Use: Over 99% effective.
Typical Use: Over 99% effective.
- Hormones
The implant contains the hormone progestin.
- Side effects
Irregular bleeding is the most common side effect.
- Cost
Could range from $0 (with insurance) to $1300. There may be an extra cost for insertion and removal.
- STI protection
The implant doesn't protect against STIs.
- Ongoing effort
Once it's in, there’s nothing for you to do. You can keep it in for up to five years with no ongoing effort.